Streetsboro Schools hope for passage of bond issue on November 5
[rpavideo caption= “In this video, TV2 reporter Jennifer Harvey reports on the Streetsboro School Levy.”]RPA_02_HARVEY_WAIT[/rpavideo]

Streetsboro Schools Plan for Levy
by: Emily Moran
STREETSBORO, OH- Streetsboro City Schools are hoping for the passage of a $38.7 million bond issue on November 5 that would raise property taxes for its residents but bring major changes to the school district. The state is offering the district $24 million to renovate, build and improve Streetsboro’s facilities. If the bond issue is passed in November, Streetsboro City Schools will build a new high school, auditorium, all-weather track, stadium, and generally upgrade or renovate its facilities.
Denise Baba, Board of Education President for Streetsboro City Schools, said Streetsboro’s Levy Committee, a community group separate from the school district, has been handing out literature and taking every opportunity to reach the public.
“They have put together a strong campaign to inform people and make them aware of the bond issue and the details of the bond issue,” Baba said.
Amy Cruse, Principal of Wait Primary School, said the committee has played an integral part in raising awareness about the levy and also raising money to put out flyers and literature to support the campaign.
[pullquote] They have put together a strong campaign to inform people and make them aware of the bond issue and the details of the bond issue. –Denise Baba [/pullquote]
Baba said she thinks there is a good chance that residents will vote in favor of the bond issue in November. She said a school bond issue or a levy is generally harder to pass because residents can say “no” to being taxed. Baba said many people in the community have been waiting for some time to see changes to the Streetsboro City Schools.
“I think folks with young kids are going to want to see a new high school and see improved facilities for their children,” Baba said.

Cruse said some residents have expressed concern over the bond issue. She said some residents feel that the school district is asking too much. Cruse said she feels that the money needed to make the changes in the school district is necessary and needed.
“It’s not just a wish list of things that we want; they’re needs that have been growing over the years,” Cruse said.
Baba said the changes that would be made to the school district would be paid for through a state and local partnership. The state would pay for 35 percent of the cost while Streetsboro would cover the remaining 65 percent.
“It’s $177 and some change, for every $100,000 value of a house, and if you break that down over the course of 12 months per month, it’s a little over $14 per month for a $100,000 home,” Baba said.
Baba said if the bond issue is approved by residents, they will be taxed the following January.
“I think that it’s time for this community. We need the facilities. The high school will not be a Taj Mahal, it’ll be built to state standards,” Baba said.
Leanna Ghahremani, a Streetsboro resident, has two children currently attending Streetsboro City Schools. She said she was displeased with the current state of the school district and it is time for improvements to be made.
“I plan on voting yes. I’ve lived in Streetsboro now for ten years and I believe this has always been an issue,” Ghahremani said.
Deb Howard, another Streetsboro resident said she would also vote in favor of the bond issue come November.
“I always try to help the kids as much as I can. Even though my grandchildren are on their way to college now, I still do vote for the school levy,” Howard said.

Melony Reger, a Streetsboro resident and mother to two children in the Streetsboro City School District said she feels that the bond issue should pass in November and she has not heard much negative feedback from residents except for a few. She said the older population in Streetsboro who do not have children currently involved in the district are slower to support the bond issue but support for the bond issue seems widespread.
“I have two children in the district and the state is giving us $24 million to help fund our project and it would be crazy to turn that down. Our facilities need updated and it’s a great opportunity for our city,” Reger said.
Cruse said she does not expect blind faith or support from the community and there truly is a need for the bond issue.
“We all have this feeling that the kids deserve it. But really, there are a lot of things that the kids need in terms of the renovations and the buildings,” Cruse said.
[rpavideo width = “300” caption = “This video contains extended video interviews with some Streetsboro residents.”]RPA_02_HARVEY_INTERVIEW[/rpavideo]