Portage County to hold “Drug Disposal” for Prescription Drugs
Anchor Intro:
When you’re sick and make a trip to the doctor, the last thing on your mind is what you will do with the medications once they are expired or no longer needed.
On September 27 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. the Portage County Sheriff’s Office, in collaboration with the Portage County Water Resources and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will be holding a drug disposal.
The drug disposal is in part an effort to reduce water contamination from prescription drugs. The “Take Back” event is meant to give Portage County residents a chance to responsibly dispose of their medication. However, the anonymous drop-off event is also an effort to prevent pill abuse.
According to Portage County Sheriff, Dave Doak, there is a heroine epidemic in Portage County, as well as other surrounding counties and states. “A lot of that begins with prescription medication which is abused, stolen, what have you,” said Doak. “So part of this effort is to minimize that as well.”

Last April, Americans turned in 390 tons (over 780,000 pounds) of prescription drugs at DEA-operated sites, such as the one coming to Portage County.
Once the medication is collected, the DEA disposes of it using an incinerator with high heat that does not put harmful substances out into the atmosphere. According to Doak, the drug drop-off event is an opportunity for Portage County residents to be environmentally responsible with how they dispose of their medication.

The drug disposal will take place at the Portage County Water Resources Laboratory at 8116 Infirmary Road. In addition to the anonymous disposal event, there is a drug “Take Back” container available 24/7, located in the lobby of the Portage County Justices Center.