Could Powdered Alcohol be Making its Way to Kent?

A new kind of alcohol could be hitting liquor store shelves soon.

But the Ohio legislature is trying to prevent the sale of powdered alcohol.

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House Bill 594 as introduced by Representatives Garberry and Buchy.

Along with the Ohio legislature the Akron City Council recently approved a resolution that supports a state wide ban on palcohol.

The council is asking any local retailer to boycott the powder.

What would it mean if palcohol came to a big college campus like Kent State?

TV2’s Haley Phillippi talked to community members to get their perspective.

University Drive Thru on State Route 43

So far there has been no word on any resolution that would ban powdered alcohol from coming to Kent.

Contact Haley Phillippi:  or connect with Haley Phillippi on Twitter: @hphillippi.

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