City Council Passes Ordinance to Purchase College Avenue Lots, Addresses Ebola

Kent City Council met Wednesday evening to approve the purchase of properties on East College Avenue and address the Portage County Ebola scare.
City Council approved 12 lots on East College Avenue for the location of the city’s new police station, scheduled to be completed by spring 2017. The council also amended the area of land needed for the building which will be bounded to the North by Haymaker Parkway and to the East by the Eastern lot lines at 233 and 234 E. College St.
The council waited to settle with property owners of four of the 12 properties earlier this fall needed to build the city’s new police station.
The properties include 223, 225 and 227 East College Ave., and 233 East College Ave.
During the meeting, Kent State alum Eugene Muldowney introduced himself as a candidate on the Nov. 4 ballot for common pleas judge.
“I am the only candidate that practices law in Portage County, and I have practiced in all levels in front of many judges,” he said. “Over the past 25 years, having those experiences and taking wisdom from all the previous judges, I hope to incorporate that knowledge in Portage County.”
City Manager Dave Ruller addressed the five-year capital budget plan, stating that there are more needs than there are resources.
“I do think that some debt has cleared out,” he said. “We are heading in a good direction.”
City Council will meet again on Nov. 5 at 7:20 p.m. at 217 East Summit St.

Council Sheds Light on Ebola Scare
Health Commissioner Jeff Neistadt addressed the virus that has become a widespread concern in the community. He said the health department will undergo a meticulous process to assure that Portage County remains safe.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has established guidelines in case of an emergency in the area, and Neistadt said the CDC is very willing to assist if it is needed.
“We know that 87 percent of infected individuals show symptoms of temperature,” he said. “There are a lot of viruses floating around at this time in the year, and there is no reason to assume that anyone has Ebola here in Kent.”
John Kuhar, Ward 5, said he is concerned about Ebola and has questions about how the virus spreads. He urged the council to address these issues.
Microbiology expert Chris Woolverton, Kent State professor of environmental health science, said the basics of an Ebola infection begin by coming in contact with bodily fluids of an infected person.
“The fever is the first sign that the cells are breaking down in the body as a response to the virus,” he said. “The virus attacks the lining of blood vessels. One of the next symptoms of the disease is bleeding from the eyes, rectum and other orifices.”
Woolverton said in about 52 percent of patients, bodies without treatment will succumb to the virus and those who recover have lasting immunity for 10 to 15 years.