Meet the Neighbors

Ward 5 Meet the Neighbors


Andreas Vitone, Tree City Coffee & Pastry

“I got pulled over twice in the past month. The first time it was by a State Highway Patrolman, works for the state of Ohio, and was just like, ‘Where have you been?’ I was like, ‘I was at the bar.’ He was like, ‘Did you have any drinks?’ I was like, ‘Yeah.’ And he gave me a quick sobriety test and it was over.

“Then I got pulled over by a Kent Cop and he was like, ‘Have you done any drugs tonight?’ And I was like, ‘No.’ And he was like, ‘Do you have any drugs or weapons in the car?’ Like that offends me as a person.”

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Jeffrey Guska, 157 Lounge

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“My biggest concern with the city of Kent and Downtown Kent is overbuilding in the area. Not only will parking be affected but the city also brings in money from locals cities surrounding Kent and I believe more businesses coming to the downtown area will eventually lead to all businesses collapsing on one another.”


Matthew Unger, Water Street Tavern, Tree City Coffee & Pastry

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“Parking is the biggest problem. When there are special events downtown there is almost minimal parking for employees. Also, there is little free parking available.”

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