City Council discusses plans for new City Hall
The city of Kent sold its City Hall to real estate developer NewBrook Partners for $2.4 million. The sale was approved by the city council during the city council meeting held on Feb. 18, 2015. The City Hall services that were once held in the repurposed grocery store and dental offices at the

Source: Kent360
corner of Depeyster and Summit Street were then relocated to several different locations throughout the city where they will operate out temporarily for two years. The locations include the Service Administration Complex (S.A.C), Police Administration Building and Central Fire Station.

Councilwoman Heidi Schaffer said that having temporary locations for a couple of years will benefit the council in choosing a permanent location for the new City Hall because they are able to study the interaction between different departments and members of the community.
Kent’s City Hall operated out of the Police Station at the corner of Water and Depeyster Street between 1924 and 1992. It then relocated to the corner of Depeyster and Summit Streets in the old grocery store and dental offices and has been there ever since. The buildings were beginning to experience problems and the city council was planning to invest a quarter of a million dollars in renovations. However, NewBrook came along offering $1 million more than the appraised value, and it made more sense to sell it.
Two years have passed since the sale of the old City Hall location and city council has been discussing possible locations for the new structure. Council and DS Architecture have their eyes set on the location where the current police station sits.
“The current police station site is the best and least expensive option and to have a campus-like atmosphere was always the plan,” said Councilwoman Wallach.

Jeff Meyers of DS Architecture presented a matrix, adjacency diagrams, footprint and parking plan for the new City Hall at the Council Work Session held on Wednesday, February 15, 2017.
Councilman John Kuhar raised concerns about square footage and parking affecting the structure of the new City Hall and whether more parking would be needed, especially during council meetings. The square footage of the previous City Hall were 1,200 with a total usability square footage of 15,000 to 18,000. The concept for the new building has an estimated 1,600 sq. ft. and a total usability square footage of 20,000, which Meyers stated is adequate. Meyers also reminded the council that his concept is just that, only a concept, and can be changed.
Other concerns were raised at the council meeting: To build the structure slightly larger to prepare for future growth or size v. value, taking into account the two types of public (residential/community and general contractor) and reviewing different designs and styles to make sure the new structure fits in well with the city.