Recycling and water issues are debated at Streetsboro City Council meeting
Video By: Taras Ustrystkyy
Written By: Nya Coleman
The Streetsboro City Council met on Monday. The Public Hearing portion of the meeting went by quickly with approving the 2018 tax budget being the only thing on the agenda.
The Service Committee agenda took up most of the meeting with the new business topic of the T-6328 Award Residential Curbside Recycling Collection Franchise. Council Vice President, Bridget Pavlick, and Streetsboro Mayor, Glenn M. Broska, debated for about 40 minutes on whether or not the city of Streetsboro should leave Portage County’s recycling program for a for-profit recycling company.
The council meeting took an emotional turn when it came time for citizen comments. Kate Mullally of 1230 Cherokee Trail, in Streetsboro has been dealing with a major water issue for almost the last 17 years. She, her family, and neighbors have been battling constant flooding issues. She voiced concerns on behalf of the Cherokee Trail cul-de-sac. She even brought pictures of parts of her home damaged by all of the water.
“We have a split level home so when we have water issues that effects our living space,” said Mulley. “We did some research and talked to our neighbors and the situation has gotten extremely worse over the years.”
Recently, the city of Streetsboro built a new housing development on Shawnee Trail.Mullally and her neighbors believe the development that was built and the removal of trees may be the cause of the water issues getting worse because the development backs up to her neighborhood. Mullally says every time it rains, her basement, garage, and yard are flooded and it leads to standing water that can become a health issue.

“We’ve gotten an agreement that they’ll come out and take a look and try to help us resolve that issue,”Mullally said.
Mullally’s sewer drain in her backyard was put in by a private company so, she has struggled to get the city to fix it because it was not put in by the city of Streetsboro.
Other topics discussed in the meeting include the Zoning Map Amendment for Chapel at Tinkers Creek, and a Liquor License Request from Save-A-Lot.