
Getting a Concealed Carry License in Ohio

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7 men sit in the wooden doors of KC’S Rifle Pistol club. They listen to the lessons of Dan Clevenger, as gun rounds are fired off just outside. Clevenger is a former police man with years of experience training both officers and civilians. This eight hour class is the key factor in the application process.

Clevenger wasn’t afraid to speak bluntly on democrats and campaigns to ban fire arms. He could not avoid talking about the subject whilst teaching applicants the proper uses of deadly force, and gun safety.

On top of the class, applicants must spend 2 hours of training at a range, as well as take a written exam that covers what they learned.

Clevenger spent hours going over possible scenarios that would warrant deadly force, and the students would come up with their own to get answers.

Once you’ve completed you’re training and competency test, you have to submit an application to their local sherrif who gives them a background check.

While there are a lot of steps to take, Clevenger urges that gun owners need more training than just bare minimum.


Steven Geer



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