Kent City Council discusses 2018 Capital Project Update, approves City/KSU Lighting Agreement
Kent City Council gathered Wednesday to receive the 2018 Capital Projects Update. It details the costs and improvements surrounding the on-going construction throughout the City of Kent the past three years. City Council also authorized proposed updates to the city’s Solid Waste/Recycling Code, proposed 2019 Capital Plan, Mainstreet Contract renewal, the 2018 Budget Appropriations Amendment, reviewed city regulation regarding leaves being raked into public right-of-ways and approve the City/KSU Lighting Agreement.
In the 2018 Capital Projects Update, Jim Bowling, the City of Kent’s Superintendent of Engineering/Deputy Service Director addressed the many improvements made to help ease traffic. One of these is the new roundabout on Summit St.
“The roundabout at Ted Boyd and Summit has reduced crashes by 80 percent since it’s instillation,” said Bowling.
The roundabout is also equipped with new High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) beacons which create a safer way for pedestrians to cross the street. The beacons allow pedestrians to activate the crosswalks signal, notifying vehicles to slow down or stop and then alert the pedestrian when they can safely proceed. The city will continue to record the traffic accidents going forward.
“It’s still early so we’re still going to monitor it,” said Bowling.
“Thank God this is the last time we’re taking about Summit Street. This is the 3rd year we’ve talked about it.”
A Streets, Sidewalk & Utlities committee member speaks on roundabouts and more 2018 constitution improvements. #KentCouncilMtg
In addition to the 2018 Capital Projects update, Kent City Council approved the City/KSU Lighting agreement. The project will be a partnership between the City of Kent and Kent State University to expand street lighting by Lincoln St. and N Willow St. to help ensure the safety of students and the community.
Bowling said the City of Kent investigated with KSU the most cost effective way to create additional lighting and found the best option is to extend the University’s current lighting system. The improvements will focus more lighting to crosswalks to ensure the safety of pedestrians at night.
“There will be more street lamps, these will be focused over the road where the crosswalk is,” said Bowling.
Kent State is leading the charge in the partnership to implement more street lamps and changes will be made within the upcoming year.
“I hope to see something if not later this year then in the spring,” Bowling said.
Story by Addie Gall
Video by Erin Keller— Erin Keller
(@ErinKell79) November 8, 2018
There’s been an 80% decrease of accidents at the Ted Boyd/Johnston intersection since installing the roundabout. #KentCouncilMtg
Kent City Council discusses SR 43 traffic improvements, construction started in May 2018 and is set to be completed by May 2019.
— Addie Gall (@agall_7) November 8, 2018
— Erin Keller
(@ErinKell79) November 8, 2018
West Main Street is going to be paved in 2020. #KentCouncilMtg
— Erin Keller
(@ErinKell79) November 8, 2018
Events on Main Street bring returning customers to local businesses. Main Street Kent is asking for an additional $10,000 in its contract renewal. #KentCouncilMtg
— Erin Keller
(@ErinKell79) November 8, 2018
Kent City Council member says new Ted Boyd Roundabout has shown an 80% reduction in car crashes since construction ended
— Addie Gall (@agall_7) November 8, 2018