Some pets at risk from Coronavirus
Animals are an important part of making quarantine more bearable, but some animals are susceptible to the Coronavirus.
Many people with dogs may be concerned whether the virus could affect their pets. Dogs cannot contract the virus, according to the American Kennel Club website. The research also indicates that dogs cannot spread the virus.
Dogs keep people company in isolation and provide emotional support. They also provide a good way to get exercise, as they need to be walked. Still, it is safer to avoid places like dog parks, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Even though dogs are not at risk, being around a large group of people is dangerous for the owner. The safety of dogs during this virus is important to many pet owners.
Cats are also popular pets. Cats cannot infect people with the virus, but, in rare cases, they can be infected, said Linda Saif, virologist at the Ohio State University in Wooster. This can occur if a cat is exposed to infected people multiple times.
A tiger at the Bronx Zoo came down with the virus as its keeper was likely infected and the tiger was exposed to him over and over again. Other big cats at the Bronx Zoo have also shown similar symptoms, though they have not been tested. These cats, though, only show mild symptoms and none have had severe reactions as many humans have.
Still, it is rare that cats contract the virus at all. In general, house cats are not in danger.
The only other household pet that is known to be able to contract the virus is ferrets. This, too, is rare. Interacting with other pets like guinea pigs, gerbils and lizards is safe for both the owner and the animal.
Pet birds may be at risk, Kent State University professor Qunxing Ding said. However, this has not been proven or thoroughly researched. It is best to wash one’s hands before handling pet birds, just to be safe.
Monkeys and pigs can also contract the virus, but it has not been determined whether they are able to spread it.
It is unknown what animal the virus originally came from, but bats are suspected to be the original host. This is because this virus is closest genetically to the strain of the virus that bats can contract and carry.
Various strains of the virus exist in many species, but these cannot be transmitted to humans. The strain currently spreading through the world is a mutation of one of these strains.
Quite a bit of research has been done on this subject but few definitive answers have been found Kent State professor Jennifer Camp said. Research is still being done.
Symptoms of the virus in animals are similar to the symptoms in humans. However, they tend to be milder in animals than in humans. If an animal contracts the virus it will probably recover quicker and will almost certainly not die.
Still, it is a good idea to keep an infected animal away from other animals of the same species.
There are tests for pets to check for the virus. However, because the symptoms are generally mild, these tests are rarely performed. For this reason, it can be difficult to tell when an animal is suffering from Coronavirus or something else.
“The CDC recommends that people sick with COVID-19 limit contact with both family
members and their pets (petting, being licked, sharing food or dishes and utensils) and
wear a mask if possible during the quarantine period,” Saif said. “In general, besides for COVID-19, for good hygiene you should always wash your hands before and after contact with pets.”
Although the chances of a pet contracting the virus are extremely low, pets can still complicate things if their owners contract the virus. It is possible that someone will become too sick to care for their pets and will need someone else to care for them. This puts the person caring for the pets at risk. Still, pets should not be neglected.
There are ways to reduce risk for the person going into the infected person’s house to care for the pets, according to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s College of Veterinary Medicine. First, the person should wear clothes and gloves that are easy to wash. They should also bring a plastic bag and avoid touching surfaces. They should put the gloves in the plastic bag when they leave. Once home, the person should wash their hands and clothes. Wearing a mask is a good idea, as it is anytime someone is around other people.
It is important to observe safety suggestions for the good of oneself and the good of one’s pet. Pets are at low risk for contracting the virus, but taking precautions still is important according to scientists.
Tweet: Coronavirus poses little risk to pets.