Bar 145 Progress Report
Bar 145 opened nearly a year ago and is still continuing to prosper and make improvements. Nicole Septaric and Cassaundra Smith discuss how they are doing and what plans they have for the future.
[rpavideo caption = “Nicole breaks down some of the developments Bar 145 saw in its first year.”]RPA_07_Septaric_Bar145[/rpavideo]
Bar 145 continues to grow and prosper
By Cassie Smith
KENT, OHIO — Dan Edmondson, general manager of Bar 145, has watched the business grow from the shell of a building to the success it has become today.
“I was here when it was just plumbing and concrete,” he said.
[pullquote] “I was here when it was just plumbing and concrete.” — Dan Edmondson [/pullquote]
Naturally, when the bar opened nearly a year ago, the staff wanted it be successful and profitable – a goal they have achieved. They also hoped for much more.
“I think one of the major goals that we wanted to incorporate is we wanted to become an integral part of the community,” he said. “We wanted to be a focus in the community – a gathering place for people.”
He feels Bar 145 was successful in making Kent a destination for others in surrounding communities.
“I think we were successful from a business standpoint because we weren’t just focused on the business,” Edmondson said. “We were also focused on what we could do to make Kent better.”
Two components that help lead to the bar’s success are the food options and its roster of about 20 live bands.
Bar 145 is a gourmet food restaurant. It does not have a freezer, and all of the food items are brought in fresh from local vendors.
A favorite food item on the menu is the build-your-own burger, Bill Johnson, head chef at Bar 145, said. The burgers are even more popular on Mondays, when the bar offers endless toppings.
Johnson said a new menu was launched in November.
In May, a patio space was opened. It allowed for several more tables and took what was already the biggest bar in Kent and made it even bigger, Edmondson said. The patio added 20-30% to the regular business.

“I think it has exceeded our expectations on what it was going to do for our business,” he said.
Although the patio’s garage-like doors are closed during the winter months, the space is still in use.
Edmondson said the business will continue to grow. They are currently designing and working with the city to create a green space behind the bar that will have live music.
Although things are going well for Bar 145, not everything has been easy. The Kent location is only the second location for the business, the first one being in Toledo. There aren’t any manuals or corporate guidelines telling management how to run the place. It’s been all “trial and error,” Edmondson said.
One thing he was not prepared for was all the policies the bar has to adhere to. A big thing he’s had to deal with is a smoking policy concerning the patio and whether it is considered an indoor or outdoor space. It was ultimately decided that it’s an indoor space, and smoking is generally not allowed.
For all the successes Bar 145 has enjoyed, there are always room for improvements, said Edmondson.
From a kitchen standpoint, Johnson said he would like to see an improvement with consistency. The kitchen staff strives to make all the food go out the same, look the same and taste the same.
“We’re hoping to keep expanding and keep making things better here, so we’re not just settling,” Edmondson said. “We’re hoping to continue to be better.”
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