
Kent City Council talks ebola at meeting

Ebola took priority Wednesday night at the Kent City Council meeting as city officials and council members gathered for their regularly-scheduled meeting. City Health Commissioner Jeff Neistadt and City Manager Dave Ruller reassured the council that all necessary preparations were being made and there is no immediate danger of ebola in Portage County. More information on ebola can be found on the Kent Health Department’s website.

The rest of the evening continued as planned. The council looked over ordnances and heard from city officials. Eugene Muldowney, a candidate for Kent Common Pleas Judge, took a few moments to speak to the council and public in order to ask for support this coming election.


Kent City Council held their meeting Wednesday night, where they discussed the ebola scare and how well Portage County is preparing. TV2 reporter Abu Zafar has the details.

Your average run-of-the-mill Council meeting had a bit of a twist Wednesday night in the wake of an ebola scare. The evening began with Kent City Health Commissioner Jeff Neistadt informing the council of the situation and all the steps the city is taking in case an incident does occur. City Manager Dave Ruller reassured the council that all precautions are being taken.

The rest of the evening continued as usual, with the council looking over ordnances and hearing reports from city officials. Construction and repair projects were approved and the city’s Storm Water budget was discussed at length. Eugene Muldowney, a candidate for Kent Common Pleas Judge, also spoke to the council asking their support in his candidacy this coming election.

For TV2 News, I’m Abu Zafar.

More information about how the city is preparing for a possible ebola incident can be found on the Health Department’s website.

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