The New Location of the Streetsboro High School Has Residents Concerned
By: Pamela Marotta, Xiafan Li, & Kristie Graybill
In the city of Streetsboro many residents are concerned about the new high school that is in the works of being built. The new high school will be located on Route 14, which is an extremely busy road that runs through the city of Streetsboro. Even though the school is not scheduled to be complete until December of 2016 the residents are already worried about the large traffic flow and delays that will be caused. Eddie Rogowski and Dominic Carone are freshmen at Streetsboro high school and they are aware of how hard it is going to be to get in and out of the school every day. “I will have to leave earlier in the morning to make sure I get to school in time, plus I have wrestling practice too,” said Carone.
Residents Grace Penton and Cory Marks are not looking forward to the speed limit dropping from 40 to 20 because of the school zone. “There will be a lot of accident caused and much more tickets given out too,” said Penton. Marks feels that this will also cause more traffic flow on Route 303 so drivers will avoid traffic on Route 14.
Not only is this new high school location affecting the Streetsboro residents but also the people who work in Streetsboro as well. Beth Keren works at Best Cuts that is located right on Route 14. “It going to take me an extra twenty to thirty minutes just to get to work from Ravenna now,” said Keren. Something else is going to have to be done to satisfy the residents about this change “a stop light or something,” said Keren. Streetsboro residents are all happy to gain a new high school but the poor decision of the location does not sit well with anyone.

The current Streetsboro high school location is in a area that has much less traffic flow. The high school is located off of a back road that is convenient for all residents with no traffic issues in the past years. The locations of the current high school compared to the new high school being built are completely opposite and will be a change not only for the residents and workers of Streetsboro but for the students, faculty, and staff members as well.

The traffic flow on Route 14 is almost to dangerous for a school to be located off of it. With the speed limit being 40 mph driver are going to be decreasing their speed when passing by the Streetsboro high school resulting in even more traffic flow.