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Male vs. Female Brains
Dr. Sean Veney, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at Kent State University, examines animal models to learn how the brain develops differently between males and females. The nucleus in the male animal model (above) is the dark oval shape. It is approximately twice the size of the nucleus in the female model (below.)
The nucleus in the female model (above) is the dark oval just to the left of the large dark blue/white shape. The nuclei of the male and female animal models are different in size, and therefore develop differently. Veney said studying early development of the brain will answer questions about how humans handle diseases differently, based on gender, later in life.
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Question: How’s business?
Karen Barrett, co-owner of City Bank Antiques: “Natives in northeast ohio is a rather a flat market. The young student population is in awe., they love to come here. People do come here a lot. I would say, the build up of the community has certainly transitioned pedestrian traffic here. That does not mean you will have retail sales, and that’s what we’re confronted with.”
Laurie Gumbimer, owner of Silver and Scents: “As soon as school started in session, it took a huge hit.”
Thomas Gavozzi, owner of Bellaria Pizza: “My worry was again being on the second floor, not ground level, was going to be difficult. At first it was kind of difficult trying to get the word out that we’re down here. But this past summer even with the students gone, it’s a destination place for people to come with their kids, and we had a great summer.”
Gwen Rosenberg, owner of Popped!: “Business is great and has been from the get go. It will be three years in January.”
•Rosenberg also on how businesses in general do: “Sometimes people want to retire, sometimes people get in to financial trouble in areas of their life, and sometimes they run into medical difficulty. So when you see that a business is closed, it doesn’t necessarily mean that business wasn’t good. Successful businesses close; unsuccessful businesses close. It gets a lot more complicated as to why and the background of it.”