
Sandhill Cranes numbers on the rise in Ohio

The Sandhill Cranes’ numbers are increasing in Ohio, even as other bird species become less common.

            Although the number of Sandhill Cranes is still not high in Ohio, it is steadily increasing. These cranes are dependent on the existence of wetlands, and wetlands have begun to be protected in Ohio.

            Wetlands are areas that are permanently or seasonally saturated with water according to the Ohio Wetlands Association website. Ohio has seen a significant decrease in the amount of wetlands it has. However, since wetlands have begun to be protected, this decline has slowed greatly.

Wetlands are important for several reasons. First, wetlands filter contaminants from water. This is important for animals and other living organisms outside of the wetlands. Many ecosystems are affected by the condition of wetlands.

            Another reason wetlands are important is because they are home to rare and even endangered plant and animal species according to the Ohio Wetlands Association website. The existence of wetlands is important to the preservation and variety of species. In America, 80 percent of breeding birds need wetlands to survive. Sandhill Cranes are one of these species.

            Many threats face wetlands, and in turn, Sandhill Cranes. These threats include pollution, agriculture, dams, development and climate change according to the World Wildlife Fund website.

            The loss of wetlands does damage beyond habitat loss. Floods and storm surges are generally more severe for nearby communities, putting people in danger and destroying property.

            Not all wetlands are protected in Ohio, but many are. Laws have been passed to prevent the filling in and development of wetlands in Ohio. There are major fines for anyone who tries to fill in or develop a wetland without permission.

            Ohio is important to the Sandhill Crane as they migrate through Ohio every year. Not only this, but Sandhill Cranes also breed in Ohio. So, Ohio is important for the reproduction of the Sandhill Crane.

            People can protect wetlands in several ways. First, people can plant native plant species. They can also use less fertilizer on their lawns, as fertilizers can contaminate wetlands. People can report the illegal filling of wetlands as well.

            Besides this, bans on hunting these cranes have been put in place in Ohio. While the Sandhill Crane is so common in some states that they are considered game birds, they are protected in Ohio according to the Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives website.

            Sandhill Cranes are unique birds with a number of distinctive qualities. These birds have bright red faces that contrast with their sleek brown and gray bodies. They have long legs and a wide wingspan. They have golden brown chicks. They make a loud trumpeting call and mate for life. A baby Sandhill Crane stays with its parents for nine to 10 months.

            Sandhill Cranes eat plants and small animals, like bugs, snakes and mice according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. They depend on the wetlands for much of their food. Sandhill Cranes are important to keeping balance within their ecosystem as they are a natural predator to several species.

These birds perform an elaborate dance to attract mates. This dance involves stretching their wings, pumping their heads, bowing and leaping in the air. Many people find this mating dance striking and graceful.

The Sandhill Crane can have a fairly long lifespan. The oldest Sandhill Crane ever reported was more than 36 years old. The typical Sandhill Crane lives to about 20, though.

The existence of these birds goes back a long time. The earliest Sandhill Crane fossil ever found is 2.5 million years old according to the Cornell Lab. It was found in the Macasphalt Shell Pit in Florida. These birds are still going strong in most areas where they live.

Sandhills Cranes live mostly in northern Ohio and can actually be found not far from Kent State.

“Sandhill Cranes can be found at Liberty Park,” Janean Kazimir, a naturalist for Summit Metro Parks, said.

Liberty Park is a Metro Park in Twinsburg, Ohio. The Metro Parks provide safe places for animals like the Sandhill Crane to live.

The Cuyahoga Valley National Park is formed around the Cuyahoga River. The National Park recently commemorated the anniversary of the last time the river burned. The river has been cleaned up and is much healthier now.

“The river is a symbol of renewal,” Pam Machuga, a National Park Ranger, said.

One way the river has been made healthier is through the preservation of the wetlands according to Machuga.

“The Beaver Marsh is the best example,” Machuga said.

The Beaver Marsh is a wetland near Peninsula, Ohio.

“The water that comes out of it is pristine,” Machuga added.

Many people are intrigued and fascinated by these birds. These range from scientists who wish to study them to people who are charmed by the birds’ elegance and beauty. This fascination goes back a long time and across multiple cultures according to the Cornell Lab.

            A number of people care about preserving these unique and interesting birds. For this reason, laws have been passed to protect the Sandhill Crane and their numbers are on the rise in Ohio.  

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