Fall 2022 StoriesUncategorized

Ravenna’s Voters

It is election day in Portage County and the polls are open. Voting began early this morning and will go late into the evening with people all across the county voting. This year, like years passed there has been an increase in the spread of voting and why it is important. And today many Portage County residents stressed the importance of voting and why it is important for people who do not vote why they need to start doing so.

Taunny Saunders, Portage County Resident

Taunny Saunders

“My grandmother did not get to vote, so it is important for women to voice their opinion,” said Tonny Saunders. Saunders said that the most important issues in her community for this election are women’s rights, and health care. Issues that pertain to people her age, people who are in their 60s.

“People fought and died for America’s right to vote,” said Saunders. Everyone should have their opinion and voice it, Saunders went on to say. 

Larry, Portage County Resident. 

“If we do not vote and lose the right to vote, we can end up in a dictatorship,” said Larry. He said that he is not so worried about the local issues. To him, he is worried about what is going on nationally. He is a supporter of minorities having rights, and that has not been handled well, he said. Larry went on to say that he fears that certain political parties may in the future restrict minorities from their right to vote. 

Tierra Waters

“I am an African American and it took us a long time to be able to vote, and it is my right. I want to be able to give that,” said Terria Waters. A Portage County resident who was voting today at the Reed Memorial Library. She said that she is someone who does not know what specific issues she voted for, but she does want to see good come out from this election. And she went on to say that everyone should go vote. 

Brenda Vauner, Portage County Resident

Brenda Vaurner

“It is important because what happens in either the city or the state is influenced by how we vote. I feel that it is a civic duty to vote,” said Brenda Vaurner. Vaurner went on to say that issue two is important to her for who should be allowed to vote. 

Issue one has to do with criminals and the amount of bail set on them is something that is also important to Vaurner. She continued to say the court should be able to make bond higher if they feel that the person is a danger.

“It is important to me who I felt should govern the state,” Vaurner said. She said that she sees the governor more, so it is important to her who is governing the state. 

“We want Ohio to stay strong,” Vaurner said. She said that the issue she was more with was Tim Ryan and J.D Vance. Vaurner said that she felt that Tim Ryan and Sherrod Brown have gone on to do a lot of good things. It was important for her to come and vote today because of that.