Kent City Council Welcomes Franklin Township Trustees for Annual Meeting
Two positions were appointed at the 7:00pm meeting in Kent, Ohio last night. Jerry T. Fiala, Mayor of Kent Ohio, kept the meeting light but funny as they progressed through their multiple orders of business.

The meeting featured not only Council members from Kent, but also welcomed the Franklin Township Trustee’s into their cambers for the purpose to discuss the cemetery which is owned by both the city and township.
Leo Lux and Keith Benjamin of Franklin Township were appointed to the Standing Rock Cemetery board of trustee’s by unanimous vote. A follow up motion was passed to extend their terms to a full calendar year.
A motion to add a handicap ramp to Standing Rock Gallery was passed with one council member observing their right to abstain.
Council requested more time to review and gain information before making any changes to the city code for small cell wireless antennas. That motion was tabled for review at a later time.

Zone usage modification, a new Kent grant awards fund, and an update to council rules were passed council without any refute.
The council will take part in another joint meeting with the Franklin Township Trustee’s next month.